Acupuncture is a part of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) used in Asia for thousands of years. It involves using thin needles, heat, or finger pressure to stimulate specific points on the body called "acupoints," which help improve overall health and well-being.
The main idea behind acupuncture is that our body's health relies on the flow of a special energy called Qi (pronounced "chee"). This energy travels through channels in our body, connecting all our organs and helping to regulate our body's processes. When Qi flow is blocked or disrupted, it can cause pain or sickness.
Acupuncture helps restore a healthy flow of Qi and balance in the body, which can relieve pain and other symptoms. Qi is like a life force that exists in everyone and plays a role in our overall well-being.
Acupuncturists can use needles, herbs, and other techniques to help control and improve the flow of Qi, which can help prevent and treat illness.
If you've seen round-shaped marks on people's backs, including celebrities, you've seen the results of cupping. Cupping is an ancient healing technique that uses suction from glass cups to improve circulation and help get rid of harmful influences. It's often used for breathing, digestive problems, and pain relief. It can also help relax muscles and calm the nervous system, making it great for high blood pressure.
To do cupping, a cotton ball soaked in alcohol is lit on fire, put into the cup, and then quickly removed before placing the cup on the skin. This procedure creates a vacuum inside the cup. Sometimes the cups are moved gently on the skin or left in one place for up to 10 minutes.
Cupping is very safe, but it can cause round bruises. These bruises usually don't hurt, but they might need some explanation! Cupping can be combined with acupuncture or used independently, depending on the problem being treated.
There are almost 100 acupuncture points on the outer ear. Each point relates to a different organ, body part, or body function, and we choose ear points based on the issue being treated.
Sometimes, Dr. Ruth uses a few ear and body needles during treatments. But, in other cases, only use ear points.
Here's why:
Ear treatments are budget-friendly and usually last about 30 minutes once needles are in place.
Gua sha is an ancient technique that has gained popularity in the Western world. It helps relieve muscle tension, boost circulation, and reduce swelling by draining the lymphatic system.
Gua sha means "scraping" and "sand." It involves rhythmically scraping the skin with a smooth-edged stone, usually made of jade or quartz. This procedure causes tiny red spots to appear, a sign of blood renewal as toxins and stagnant blood is released from the body.
Dr. Ruth uses gua sha to ease neck, shoulders, and back tension. A gentler version can also provide a natural face-lift by smoothing out fine lines and wrinkles.
Chinese herbal medicine is often used with acupuncture to treat many conditions. Herbs can enhance the effects of acupuncture and help with healing between treatments. They can also be used without acupuncture.
The Chinese herbal collection includes hundreds of medicinal items, primarily plants, minerals, and animal products. Each herb has a specific action in the body. Different plant parts like leaves, roots, stems, flowers and seeds are used, and each has a unique effect, especially when mixed with other herbs. Herbal formulas are usually made with two to ten herbs and taken as a tea, capsules, tinctures, or powders.
Herbs are generally gentler and have fewer side effects than drugs because they help balance the body. The most common side effect, if any, is gas and bloating due to slight difficulty digesting the herbs.
Massage therapy offers a relaxing and therapeutic experience that can help address various issues, such as neck tension, back pain, and hip discomfort. Dr. Ruth will help you relieve pain, improve body movement, and promote balance using multiple techniques. These methods include Swedish and deep tissue massage, myofascial/neuromuscular release therapies, body mobilization techniques, and table stretching.
Dr. Ruth tailors her approach to meet each client's needs, ensuring comfort and relaxation throughout the session.
With experience in body alignment and therapeutic exercises and stretches.
Both acupuncture and massage therapy relieve pain, calm the nervous system, and restore balance in the body by addressing energy (Qi) blocks and redistributing blocked energy in the soft tissues. These two methods can be used together to provide a comprehensive approach to well-being.
As you enter our office suite, you might notice an herbal scent lingering in the building. Now you know why :)
Moxibustion (also referred to as "moxa") is a form of heat therapy that is used in Chinese medicine to invigorate the flow of "qi" (energy), blood, lymph, and other body fluids while dispelling specific pathogenic influences.
The substance is an herb called mugwort or Artemisia vulgaris, which is burned and hovered close to the skin over specific acupuncture points. This herb is so integral in Chinese medicine treatments that the ancient Chinese character for acupuncture ("zhenjiu," which is pronounced "juhn-jee-yew") is translated literally as "acupuncture/moxibustion."
Moxibustion is a hot and relaxing addition to an acupuncture treatment. It is often used instead of acupuncture for those especially sensitive to needles. However, some properties of moxibustion exceed the capabilities of acupuncture needles.
Depending on the condition being treated, Dr. Ruth might use more moxibustion than acupuncture or vice versa. Moxibustion is so good at boosting energy and improving immunity that she sometimes teaches patients how to moxa themselves and sends them home with the tools and instructions.
One of the essential elements of Dr. Diez's approach is to coach you as she helps you find relief from pain. Pain is often the manifestation of an emotional or mental conflict within you. Dr. Diez calls it "The Point Zero." Once she helps you find it, She will target the area of your body related to your pain.
One area where Dr. Ruth can help is with Sexual disfunction disorders